2024美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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Re: 2020美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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評: Cannon法官判決委任獨立「特別主事官」是對雙方都公平公正,司法部從一開始便違法,這點是很明確。誰都不會相信司法部不會再做違法的事,相信第11巡迴高等法院必定維持原判。

「FBI局長雷 遭舉報!」Shitao TV - 06 (20/09/22) 眾議院司法委員會高階議員 要求其10月3日前 答覆!
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美國聯邦傳播委員會(FCC)今天將中國國營「太平洋網絡」(Pacific Networks)、其全資子公司「信通」(ComNet)以及中國聯合通信公司(China Unicom)列入國家安全威脅黑名單。
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Re: 2020美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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川普莊園突襲案 特別主事官舉行首次公聽會
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2022年9月20日,特別主事官雷蒙德‧迪里(Raymond Dearie)法官在紐約聯邦法院舉行公聽會,討論FBI於8月8日突襲搜查川普莊園沒收的文件,公聽會向公眾開放。圖為由M‧埃文‧科科倫(M. Evan Corcoran)領導的川普法律團隊抵達紐約市布魯克林聯邦法院。

周二(9月20日),特別主事官雷蒙德‧迪里(Raymond Dearie)在紐約與前總統川普(川普)的法律團隊和司法部檢察官舉行了公聽會,並概述了他對聯邦調查局上個月空前突襲川普的海湖莊園期間扣押的檔案進行獨立審查的計劃。

美國地方法院法官艾琳‧坎農(Aileen Cannon)下令迪里在11月30日之前完成對聯邦調查局(FBI)從海湖莊園查獲的數千份檔案的審查。






至於檔案的解密,川普的律師特魯斯蒂(James Trusty)認為,川普在擔任美國總統期間,可以解密任何他想要解密的檔案。




司法部律師和美國司法部國家安全司反間諜和出口管制部門副主任朱莉‧埃德爾斯坦(Julie Edelstein)稱政府將考慮其它上訴選項。


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Re: 2020美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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美三大銀行CEO:一旦北京攻台 將退出中國市場
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Re: 2020美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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評: 上訴法院裁定支持應指派獨立監管人過濾檔這點是正確,沒爭議。但檢察官仍可以使用保密檔資料進行刑事調查,這點值得商榷,既然應指派獨立監管人過濾檔件,又容許檢察官仍可以使用保密檔資料,這不是前後矛盾嗎?獨立監管人過濾檔件變得亳無意義了。 上訴法院是否清楚獨立監管人的作用? 這變相是判司法部上訴成功。不排除上訴法院的法官是深層次政府的人。川普可以上訴到更高法院。

評: 根據《總統紀錄法》,總統對擋案具有絕對權力解密任何他認為可以解密的擋案。川普指稱他已解密所有檔。在這情況下,司法部這場官司亦變得亳無意義,是一場鬧劇。
司法部和FBI低級錯誤地開了頭,如何收科? 唯一是死撐下去,猶如在大海拼命尋找一塊木頭來救命一樣,希望渺茫。

評: 巴爾是浪子回頭還是認清了形勢,看風使舵?


「麻煩!特別監察大師再設難題 難言川普律師如何答覆」 8天內證明FBI是否嫁禍假文件
評: FBI在搜查川普莊園時拒絕川普律師要求在場監察,並將律師赶离現場,FBI取走的文件亦要FBI證明沒有嫁禍假文件和栽贓。
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Re: 2020美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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小扎捐款$5億 干擾大選,被控操控選情

「國會獲得第一名舉報人!拜登父子與葉簡明有21筆交易」涉及出賣美國石油 天然氣與能源基礎設施

美參院全票通過 要求取消中國發展中國家地位
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Re: 2020美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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「法律追討!被開除的FBI華盛頓高管 接到警告書!」保護亨特 羞辱川普 面對懲罰
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Re: 2020美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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川普將獲得被突襲後的 所有文件電子副本 並被要求親自確認文件分類
評: 正如之前評論,FBI不讓川普律師在現場確認FBI當時拿走什麼文件,這些文件作為證據或證物便不能成立。為何FBI不讓川普律師在場督察? 這很難去解釋。又會令外界感覺不透明及公正。
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Re: 2020美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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Trump objects to verifying list of property seized from Florida estate - court filing
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(Reuters) - Lawyers for former President Donald Trump are resisting a federal judge's instruction to submit a sworn declaration on whether they believe the government's list of property taken from Trump's Florida estate is accurate.

According to a letter publicly filed by Trump's lawyers on Wednesday, the former president's legal team told Senior U.S. Judge Raymond Dearie, who is reviewing the materials taken in the federal raid of the Florida property, that they don't believe Dearie has the authority to require them to make such a filing.

The former president has repeatedly claimed without evidence that the FBI planted evidence.

The Trump lawyers' letter, dated Sept. 25, says the order by another federal judge appointing Dearie to conduct the outside review of the materials only requires that the government file a declaration on the accuracy of the inventory list, and not Trump.

Trump's lawyers also said they could not verify the accuracy of the property list because they do not currently have access to information taken in the raid that was marked as classified.

Dearie had ordered the former president to make the filing by Oct. 7. Dearie has not yet addressed the objection.

Dearie's order asked Trump to list any items that were seized, but not listed in the inventory, any items that were not seized and erroneously included on the list, as well as any possible errors in the inventory about the location of seized items.

Trump's attorneys also said in a letter filed in court Wednesday that the roughly 11,000 records seized by federal agents consist of almost 200,000 pages. They said the volume is hindering their ability to hire an outside vendor who can upload and host the documents so parties involved in the case can see them.

Dearie was appointed by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon at Trump's request, and over objections from the Justice Department, to review the more than 11,000 records seized from Mar-a-Lago on Aug. 8. He is required to weed out any records that could be subject to claims of attorney-client privilege or executive privilege, a legal doctrine that can shield some White House communications from disclosure.

Initially Cannon ordered Dearie to include in his review about 100 documents marked as classified, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit reversed this decision after the Justice Department appealed.

The appellate court also ruled that the Justice Department can immediately resume using those classified records for its ongoing criminal probe, after Cannon had barred them from doing so.

Trump had resisted efforts to carve out material with classified markings from the review. Trump said in a recent Fox News interview he had declassified it all, but his lawyers have not made this claim in official court filings.

Trump could still appeal the 11th Circuit's ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, but thus far has not done so.

評: 川普方拒絕驗證FBI取走的文件。事實上,也無法驗証,因為這項驗証只能在當場做,FBI取走什麼文件川普律師不允許在場,事隔多天,這些文件便無從稽考,FBI做了多少手腳也無法查證。況且,FBI的誓章承認對文件有所改動過,在這情況下,FBI取去的文件便不能作為證物。
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Re: 2020美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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Former Trump Justice Department spokesperson Sarah Isgur said the special master reviewing Mar-a-Lago documents is pushing the former president’s legal team to “put up or shut up” regarding claims of planted materials and declassified documents.

Isgur, a political commentator, said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that special master Judge Raymond Dearie was “really taking the case” to Trump’s lawyers, who have refused to provide evidence supporting their client’s claims that he declassified materials found last month at his Mar-a-Lago residence.

Dearie is “telling the Trump lawyers they need to say in court, in a court filing that could be sanctionable, whether the president ever declassified anything,” she said. “Whether they actually believe and have evidence that anything was ever planted at Mar-a-Lago. All the things Trump is saying publicly, the judge is saying put up or shut up.”

The FBI seized around 100 documents from Trump’s Florida estate amid a probe into the former president’s alleged mishandling of top secret and classified documents and allegations he violated the Espionage Act.

Last week, Dearie said at a hearing that if Trump’s legal team did not provide evidence refuting the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) assertion that the documents were classified, “as far as I’m concerned, that’s the end of it.”

Trump has slammed the FBI search as politically motivated, and last week argued the president can declassify documents just by “thinking about it.”

He’s also accused the FBI of planting evidence, another claim that Dearie has asked him to produce evidence of in court.

Dearie was appointed after the former president brought legal action in a Florida court asking for a special master to sift through the documents and determine whether some are protected under executive or attorney-client privilege.

Judge Aileen Cannon approved his request and picked Dearie, one of two candidates for special master Trump had put forward.

Isgur on Sunday said it was “fascinating” the Trump team selected Dearie, noting he had served on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and has “dealt so much with classified material.”
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Re: 2020美國大選/特朗普何時展開大拘捕?P164/中美貿易戰只是剛剛開始 P20 /特朗普不狂P8

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「30名FBI前特工 公開反對老闆雷和司法部長 」聲援被報復的舉報人現任特工
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司法部發現100多頁是屬國家機密滅文件。質疑是: 司法部從短時間內能夠查閱了200,000多頁文件。並從中發現100多頁是屬國家機密文件? 這不合常理。
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